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Speech 101

This webpage provides essential print and electronic resources for Speech 101.

Start your research here!

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Choosing and brainstorming your topic

  1. Make sure you know what your instructor wants and his/her expectations.

  2. If you have a choice of the topic, think of  something that is of interest to you, or maybe you want to learn something new that is related to your major.

  3. The following are sources you can use to explore and brainstorm:

​​​​News sources -- CNN, USA TODAY, npr (National Public Radio)

Controversial topics from library databases:

CQ Researcher,

Opposing Viewpoints in Context

 Global Issues in Context

ideas light bulb


       4. Also visit the various following websites to explore possible topics:


Idea Generator (Old Dominion University Libraries)

Hot Topics for Research Papers & Speeches (Owns Library of Northwest Missouri State University)




Daley Hours