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MXC Physical Therapy Research (PTA)

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Physical Therapy Journals

Use your CCC credentials to view a view of the PTA specific journals below!

Health Sciences Resources

Find health sciences resources from these specific databases listed below and general resources available from the CCC Libraries A-Z Databases page. Use your CCC credentials to log on. 

Searching CCC Databases

Find articles from the CCC Libraries Databases!

  • visit the databases at Use your CCC credentials to log in
  • Think of a topic and do a keyword search.     
This keyword search.... Finds records that contain...
happiness ....this word
happiness AND memory ... BOTH words (in any order)
memory NOT PTSD ... eliminates items that contain the specified term
"emotional intelligence" ....these words together as a PHRASE
  • Skim your results
  • Focus your search by adding more keywords
  • Filter to source type such as scholarly, eBook, or magazine
  • Filter to date to limit your date range
  • Email articles to yourself!
  • Use the citation tool (remember to select APA from the dropdown)