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MXC Library Dental Research

A guide to dental hygiene resources available at the Carter G. Woodson Library at Malcolm X College

Publication Types

Journal of Happiness Studies 6/2020 | springerprofessional.deTIME Magazine Cover: The Science of Happiness - Jan. 17, 2005 - Emotions -  Health & MedicineThe articles we locate from the web and from the CCC databases fall into a few categories: scholarly, popular, and reference sources. 

  • Scholarly sources - original scholarly research created for experts in the field. These are primary sources. These sources may be peer-reviewed.
  • Popular sources - summaries or reports on research results created for the general public and non experts. These are secondary sources
  • Reference sources - overviews of topics for non experts. These are tertiary sources

What is Peer Review?

Peer Review Process: A simplified explanation. 1. Researchers/scholars conduct research and write a manuscript. 2. Researcher submits manuscript to academic journal for publication. 3. Academic journal requests other scholars/experts in this field to review it. 4.Reviewers suggest improvements to the manuscript (this step is often repeated). 5. After revisions are made and reviewed again, article is published in the scholarly journal.

What are research articles?

The Structure of Scientific TextsWhat is a Research Article?

Research articles describe research and experiments and are found in peer-reviewed journals. Most research articles include the same elements:

  • abstract
  • introduction or literature review
  • methodology
  • results
  • conclusion
  • discussion
  • references






image source: Research Article Elements