Harold Washington College Library, and the rest of the City College libraries, subscribe to many different databases for students to use to find scholarly materials. Find our most commonly used databases below.
For more information on how to form a search strategy or develop keywords for searching visit our Library Guides and Research Help page.
General Databases
General database of academic journals in the sciences and humanities. Includes full text scholarly / peer-reviewed articles. This database is a great starting point for general research.
A list of ProQuest databases subscribed to by CCC.
Social Sciences
The database covers gender inequality, masculinity, postfeminism, gender identity, and other topics related to gender studies.
Professional development resources for educators and administrators.
Physical Sciences
Energy & Power Source is a comprehensive full-text database designed to support the informational needs of the energy and power industries at all levels. This collection provides unmatched full-text coverage of information relevant to many areas integral to the energy and power industries, encompassing all component industries within, including those focused on petroleum, natural gas, electric power, coal, nuclear power, renewable energy, and others.
Features full text articles on nursing and allied health topics.
Arts & Humanities
Provides full-text online access to back issues of selected scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences.
This database includes full text articles, critical essays, biographies, reviews and other works from scholarly journals and literary magazines concerning authors, their works, and literary movements.