The annotated bibliography is a list of your sources including citations and accompanying descriptions. Sources are listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name, allowing you to keep all of your sources in one place and offering other researchers insight into your materials.
MLA citations are used in English classes at Harold Washington College.
Citations contain the information necessary for your reader (instructor) to understand what the information source was and where you located it. Citations will always contain two parts, an in-text citation that is directly connected to the information you are incorporating from the source material, and a longer citation that will be located on your Works Cited page and contains all possible details about the source material.
For more information constructing citations and for examples of citations for various types of sources (articles, books, websites, images, etc.), please see the following resources:
Each entry on your annotated bibliography must have at least these two parts:
Citations contain the information necessary for your reader (instructor) to understand what the information source was and where you located it.
For more information constructing citations and for examples of citations for various types of sources (articles, books, websites, images, etc.), please see the following resources:
More involved annotated bibliographies may also include one or both of the following:
The summary portion will consist of three points:
The evaluation of credibility will note things such as:
The assessment of the usefulness of the article to your project will disclose: