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MXC Library Nursing Orientation

This guide is oriented towards nurses conducting research at Malcolm X College

When searching Academic databases, you should first identify keywords from your topic. Start by using 2-4 keywords to begin your search. 

Keywords are the everyday words you use to describe your topic. Start your search by identifying keywords!

  • Words such as examine, discuss, analyze are NOT keywords
  • Keywords are NOT sentences
  • To find keywords, a tip is to take out all of the task words in you topic. This should help you identify your keywords!

Sample Assignment: A quantitative article supporting free healthcare for school aged children.

Keywords: quantitative, healthcare, school-aged children

Sample Search: quantitative AND free healthcare AND children

Creating a list of synonyms is just as important as your keywords. After starting your keyword search, creating a grid with similar terms that may be more broad or narrow may help to refine your results. 

Keyword Grid