This plan was developed by Daniel Enoch, District Director-Library Systems, and librarians at all 7 City Colleges:
Harold Washington College:
Todd Heldt, Celia Perez
Harry S Truman College:
Katie Ediger
Kennedy King College:
Adam Carey, Amelia Zimet
Malcolm X College:
Joslyn Allison, Tamara Townsend
Olive-Harvey College:
Sharon Silverman
Richard J. Daley College:
Valerie Neylon
Wilbur Wright College:
Jeannette Bruno, Tineka Scalzo
City Colleges of Chicago Libraries Strategic Plan
CCC proposes a five-year plan in its 2021-2025 Strategic Framework, Our Path Forward. The plan details six key goals or “levers”:
Create an Exceptional Student Experience
Achieve Equity in Student Outcomes
Respond to the Economic Needs of the City
Build a Culture of Excellence
Create a Collaborative and Connected Ecosystem
Develop and Improve Critical Institutional Health Measures
"Every student will be able to maximize their learning inside and outside the classroom, navigate our institution with ease, make significant progress towards their goals, and feel welcome and supported by all City Colleges employees." Strategic Framework, Our Path Forward
In keeping with CCC's goal to cultivate exceptional student experiences, CCC Libraries aspire to be welcoming, helpful, instructive, and holistically enriching. In the next five years, we will endeavor to:
Create and continuously improve websites for all libraries to support a consistent student experience across all seven colleges
Leverage technology such as LibChat (real-time chat reference) and LibGuides (research guides) to allow students greater access to librarians and library-curated information sources
Curate collections, programs, and displays that are representative of our diverse student body (e.g., displays for Women’s History Month and Banned Book week; address and highlight diversity in our collections)
Expand/create welcoming spaces (study rooms, collaborative spaces, family rooms, etc.) as well as advocate for modernization of library spaces
Develop instruction and programming that encourage ongoing student and faculty engagement with libraries
"We will become a student-ready and equitable institutions that is designed for all students to thrive—especially those from historically and present-day marginalized communities. We will equip students with the support and resources they need to succeed in the classroom and beyond." Strategic Framework, Our Path Forward
CCC Libraries play a vital role in leveling the playing field for many of our students by providing course reserves and other valuable resources. In the next five years, we will endeavor to:
Advocate for more robust staffing to support student learning for virtual and in-person hours
Provide library leadership and advocate for OER infrastructure and financial support
Support accessibility in library content, including considerations for disability and learning style preferences
Provide academic support and participate in outreach efforts to our diverse student groups (adult education, early college, middle college, continuing education, etc.)
"We will be forward-looking and agile in developing pathways and forging partnerships that unlock transformational career opportunities for City Colleges students and fuel the Chicago workforce with talent that is prepared to meet the needs of the economy." Strategic Framework, Our Path Forward
CCC librarians help students attain degrees of economic value by teaching critical thinking and information literacy skills imperative for employment through research workshops, targeted collection development, and credit courses. In the next five years, we will endeavor to:
Teach students general and discipline-specific research skills to succeed in our changing economy by providing information literacy instruction across the curriculum
Work collaboratively with emerging and existing academic and career programs offered by CCC by acquiring appropriate supporting materials and developing related research workshops
Offer credit information literacy courses on a regular basis (LIS 101 and 105) to engage students in critical thinking about information and its sources in preparation for careers in the new economy
Explore opportunities to partner with the Early College program and support students transitioning to college
"We will build a culture of excellence that inspires everyone to become the 'best in class' for our students and community. We hold ourselves accountable to delivering academics, experiences, and services of the highest quality." Strategic Framework, Our Path Forward
Librarians are committed to staying current, adapting services, and investing in continuous improvement for staff and faculty. In the next five years, we will endeavor to:
Strengthen staff training through the creation of a shared repository of library procedures for streamlined workflow
Invest in professional development for continuous improvement
Integrate research and information literacy across the curriculum by offering different models of instruction to achieve learning outcomes while accommodating needs of faculty
Promote literacy outside of the classroom via robust collections that include high interest books for personal interest and lifelong learning
Gather assessment data and make evidence-based decisions about library instruction and services on an ongoing basis
Advocate for continued and increased funding to maintain and grow library resources
"We will create a more collaborative and connected ecosystem to foster coordination and communication that supports student success." Strategic Framework, Our Path Forward
As the one academic department with which every student could potentially interact, the Library is a natural leader in this facet of City Colleges' strategic planning. CCC Libraries form an interconnected ecosystem, through our shared catalog and resources. We also strive to participate in library collaborations and shared governance at the state and national level. In the next five years, we will endeavor to:
Strengthen library relationships with other CCC departments and services
Expand our collections by migrating to the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) I-Share catalog to share print and digital collections with at least 88 other Illinois libraries
Maintain ongoing participation in CARLI’s Governance Board and other CARLI programs in order to contribute to library leadership at the state level
Collaborate with CCC’s Marketing staff to promote all library resources across the district
Explore our relationship with Chicago Public Library to determine areas of synergy in support of students and the broader Chicago community
“We will develop, monitor, and improve critical institutional health metrics that ensure financial sustainability and the well-being of our institution.” Strategic Framework, Our Path Forward
We will perform periodic assessment to ensure that library services are effective and efficient. In the next five years, we will endeavor to:
Advocate for increased hiring of library faculty and staff to bring CCC staffing up to levels commensurate with peer universities and community colleges
Create collaborative policy documentation, including collection management/development and copyright/fair use guidance
Create shared document repository to ensure access to procedural and institutional knowledge across the district
Develop a plan to archive CCC historical resources
Establish library working groups to address projects developed as part of the strategic plan