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Art and Art History

This guide provides print and electronic resources related to Art 103 offered at Richard J. Daley College.

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Primary Sources

What are Primary Sources

These are some of the primary sources:  photographs, journals, letters, government documents, interviews.


Chicago Colisium   Journal  Old LettersState documents    Interview

Chicago Coliseum. 1912.
Library of Congress.


 To find primary sources, search for letters, diaries, autobiographies, government documents of the time period.  For example, search for "Frida Kahlo and letters" or "Martin Luther King Jr and government documents". You can also add "primary sources" to your search, for example, "woman suffrage and primary sources".

ART Websites for Primary Sources

MOMA Archives
The Museum of Modern Art Archives includes: a) records relevant to the Museum's history (minutes, committee reports, departmental papers, photographs, sound recordings, and videotapes); b) personal papers of curators and directors when relevant to Museum interests or history; c) papers of individuals related to Museum interests, such as Trustees and former staff; d) oral histories; e) twentieth-century primary resource material, including papers, manuscripts, and photographs; f) a photographic archive comprised of tens of thousands of images.

Smithsonian Archives of American Art
Dedicated to collecting, preserving, and providing access to primary sources that document the history of the visual arts in America. Holdings include more than 20 million letters, diaries and scrapbooks of artists, dealers, and collectors; manuscripts of critics and scholars; business and financial records of museums, galleries, schools, and associations; photographs of art world figures and events; sketches and sketchbooks; rare printed material; film, audio and video recordings; and the largest collection of oral histories anywhere on the subject of art.

CCC Programs & Careers in Art



ART 103: Art Appreciation (Course Description)

Careers in Art

Art Jobs and Career (Incredible @rt Department)

CCC Career Planning & Placement 




Graduates   Graduates 

Daley Hours

Creative Commons License (v. neylon)

This work © 2024 by Valerie Neylon is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0