The libraries serve current City Colleges of Chicago students, faculty, and staff. A current CCC ID is required (meaning the holder is registered for a given term) to check out materials. All students, faculty, and staff have access to electronic resources (databases, e-books, articles) both on campus and off-campus, with the latter access requiring a CCC username/password for authentication.
Students who were registered in a previous term but not for the current term can access electronic resources using their CCC credentials but are not allowed to check out physical materials such as books from CCC libraries.
Borrowing privileges and off-campus access to electronic resources are not available to CCC alumni.
CCC libraries are open to the public for computer use only and in-library use only of physical materials.
Items can be requested and sent for pickup to the CCC library most convenient for students. Borrowed items can be returned to any CCC library. Items can be renewed online at, in person at a CCC library, or by telephone. Contact information for CCC libraries.