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AVI Seed Library

This guide provides information on the free seed library!

Seed Library Photo

Seed Library

How it works


Step 1

Choose your seeds. Please only take as many as you need for your garden space. Please use the smaller seed envelopes for the seeds you are taking. 

Step 2 Complete your Seed Borrower form, with your name, garden location, and seeds taken. 
Step 3 Ask any questions and take any handouts you may find helpful!
Step 4 Plant your seeds and watch them grow!
Step 5 When your plants are ready to harvest, please collect the seeds for return to the library. 
Step 6 Return to the library with your collected seeds and put them back into the library. Add the seeds returned into your Seed Borrower form and get ready for the next planting season!
Step 7 Share any pictures of your successful garden you'd like with the librarians. We also appreciate any feedback!