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HWC-OER GRANT: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: Home

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at Harold Washington College

Harold Washington College currently has a rich array of initiatives that work towards diversity, equity, and inclusion on this campus. The OER textbook initiative seeks to build on this momentum to ensure the creation to teaching materials and tools that incorporate these elements while meeting the requirements enumerated in each course's student learning outcomes. Please explore this LibGuide to learn more about existing definitions and initiatives that are ongoing at HWC.

Harold Washington College Mission Statement

Harold Washington College is a student-centered institution that empowers all members of its community through accessible and affordable academic advancement, career development and personal enrichment.

To fulfill this mission, Harold Washington College focuses on the following core values. We:

  • embrace human diversity
  • care about the whole student
  • offer responsive and relevant education   
  • pursue academic excellence    
  • assess to improve learning   
  • build community 
  • foster global citizenship for social justice  

​Through these core values, we strive to embody and honor the vision of Harold Washington, former Mayor of Chicago.

"Harold Washington College Mission Statement." Harold Washington College, Accessed 11 April 2023.
