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HWC-OER GRANT: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: Diversity

Diversity at Harold Washington College

Celebrating and respecting human diversity is a core mission of Harold Washington College. Not only is it the first bullet point in the College's mission (see home tab), but is supported in the curriculum. Read more to learn more about HWC's diversity requirements, as well as how our Assessment Committee has been able to track and assess measurable changes in diversity on HWC campus since 2005. 

Human Diversity Courses

Diversity is built into the curriculum at Harold Washington College. Currently, CCC offers 115 courses that fulfill the Human Diversity requirement. For a full list, please view the Human Diversity Courses Catalog page. Older Course Catalog's explain, 

"The Illinois Community College Board and the State of Illinois requires the inclusion of instruction and coursework in human diversity for all degree programs. Specifically, instruction and course-work in human diversity includes a review of issues related to race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, age, and familial status. Many of the human diversity courses fulfill the General Education requirements of the City Colleges of Chicago’s degree programs and some fulfill required program electives. Human Diversity courses at the City Colleges of Chicago also are designed to satisfy transfer requirements. All Associate degrees must be inclusive of a transfer course that satisfies the State of Illinois’ Human Diversity requirement. (refer to page 9 for degree programs that are exempt from this requirement)" (13).

Additionally, Harold Washington College has a vibrant English Language Learners department. The department itself is the definition of diversity, with students representing over 55 different countries with a variety of different educational backgrounds. In addition to helping students prepare for enrollment in academic courses, the department also seeks to foster community through organizing monthly events for its students.

City Colleges of Chicago. "City Colleges of Chicago Academic Catalog, 2014-2015," CCC, 2014, Accessed 11 April 2023.

Aquino-Cutcher, Andrew and Jacqueline Cunningham. "English Language Learners," HWC, Accessed 17 April 2023.