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This page offers information about the various resources available at the Richard J. Daley Library such as article databases, reference materials, ebooks and internet resources.

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Library of Congress call numbers

Use these calls numbers to browse books on the shelves in the general collection and the reference collection.


Call number ranges 

Q -- General Science 
QH -- Biology; Natural History

QH1-200 Natural History
QH301-358 General Biology: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias
QH359-425 Evolution (see also QE701-999)
QH426-470 Genetics

QH471-489 Reproduction

QH501-531 Life
QH506 Molecular Biology
QH540-549.5 Ecology
QH573-671 Cell biology (cytology)  

QH705-705.5 Economic biology 

QK -- Botany
QK1-474.5 General: dictionaries; geographical distribution
QK474.8-(638) Specific taxa of plants
QK710-899 Plant physiology (including plant biochemistry, i.e. phytochemistry)  
QL -- Zoology
QL1-355 General, including geographical distribution
QL360-739.8 Specific taxa from "lower\" to "higher\" organisms
QL750-795 Animal Behavior
QL799-991 Morphology, Anatomy, Embryology  
QM -- Human Anatomy 

 QM1-511 General 

QM531-549 Regional anatomy 

QM550-577.8 Human and comparative histology 

QM601-695 Human embryology 

QP -- Physiology QP1-345 General
QP351-495 Neurophysiology (neuroscience)
QP501-801 Animal Biochemistry/Molecular Biology (see also QD415-436)
QR -- Microbiology

QR1-502 Microbiology 

QR1-74.5  General 

QR75-99.5 Bacteria 

QR99.6-99.8 Cyanobacteria

QR100-130 Microbial ecology

QR171 Microorganisms in the animal body 

QR180-189.5 Immunology 

QR355-502 Virology 


Books & Ebooks


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