Check out a few of these research sources available from CCC Libraries
General database of academic journals in the sciences and humanities. Includes full text scholarly / peer-reviewed articles. This database is a great starting point for general research.
Resources for pop culture research covering the early 1900s-2000s.
This database is dedicated to the rich heritage and current culture of Latinos in the United States.
Historic moments in American history captured on video. Also features documentary reenactments and analysis.
A list of ProQuest databases subscribed to by CCC.
Wikipedia requires that articles are supported by "reliable, published sources."
What is a published reliable source?
If you can't find reliable published sources on a topic you should not create an article. Wikipedia has extensive guidelines on the criteria for reliable sources. Some examples:
Is Wikipedia a Good Source?
"It depends." While Wikipedia articles are NOT appropriate sources to cite in college level work, they can be a good starting point for other sources of information.
Wikipedia is a collaborative effort, and anyone can edit. Because of this, the nature of the articles can change at any time. The quality of articles varies from excellent to poor. Use a few of these tips to evaluate Wikipedia articles.
See more tips for evaluation HERE