Archer Heights
(Archer Heights)
North: Stevenson Expressway
East: GTWRR; S: Belt RY to Keeler to 53rd St. to Kilbourn and then Belt RY
South: Belt RY to Keeler to 53rd St. to Kilbourn and then Belt RY
West: Belt RR
Featured Annotation
Archer Heights Civic Association (AHCA)
From their website, “The Archer Heights Civic Association (AHCA) ( is an all volunteer, nonprofit, non-political group of homeowners, renters, businessmen and women and industry united by the common bond of keepng the neighborhood safe for all residents, protecting the property values of the community, and addressing any major issues which affect the quality of life in our neighborhood.” Student researchers might contact them to explore how the association specifically addresses community development and building. They are located at 4444 S. Pulaski Road.
Other Primary Sources of Interest
Brighton Park
(Brighton Park)
North: Stevenson Expressway
East: BORR to Artesian to Archer and then Pershing and then Western to 47th and then Western
Featured Annotation
The Geographic Center of Chicago
While the Geographic Center of Chicago used to be in McKinley Park at 37th and Honore Sts, it is now in the middle of a canal, closer to Brighton Park[1]. Student researchers might explore how this has shifted as the city has expanded and developed.
Other Primary Sources of Interest
[1] Hagan, C. (7/18/2016). The heart of the city: Finding Chicago’s Geographic Center. WBEZ91.5Chicago. Retrieved from
Chicago Lawn
(Chicago Lawn, Lithuanian Plaza, Marquette Park)
60629, 60636
North: 59th to Western and then 59th
East: Penn RR
South: Belt RR
Featured Annotation
Marquette Park
Marquette Park has a storied history as the site of one of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s marches in Chicago where he was met with violent resistance. The neighborhood was also the site of the Nazi headquarters.[1] Today, it is a diverse neighborhood of Lithuanians, African-Americans, and Latinxs. The Park itself has a number of monuments including the Darius and Girenas Memorial, which honors Lithuanian aviators.
(Chrysler Village, Clearing)
North: 59th St.
East: Belt RR
South: Marquette to Cicero and then 65th St.
West: Harlem Avenue
Featured Annotation
The Clear Ridge Historical Society
The Clear Ridge Historical Society ( explores the histories of the Clearing and Garfield Ridge communities. The society also has a weebly site with information regarding the communities, but students can review the material directly at the Clearing Library.
(Englewood, Hamilton Park)
North: Garfield Boulevard
East: CRIPP to 61st. and then Lasalle to 63rd and then Wentworth to Marquette and then Yale to 69th and then Harvard to 72nd and then Stewart to 74th and then Eggleston to 75th and then Belt RR
South: 76th to Halsted and then Belt RR
West: Racine Ave.
Featured Annotation
Teamwork Englewood
For students interested in questions of gentrification versus community development, Teamwork Englewood ( would be a wonderful organization to explore for its work in the Englewood community area. From its website, they describe themselves as follows: “Teamwork was formed in 2003 as part of the New Communities Program, sponsored by Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), and the MacArthur Foundation. Its goal is to unite the many organizations serving Englewood residents and work toward the common goal of building a stronger community.”[1]
Other Primary Sources of Interest
Gage Park
(Gage Park)
60609, 60629, 60632, 60636
East: Penn Central
South: 59th St. starting at Western
Featured Annotation
Southwest News Herald
This newspaper ( covers covers Archer Heights, Chicago Lawn, Gage Park, Greater Ashburn, and West Lawn.
Garfield Ridge
(Garfield Ridge, Le Claire Courts, Sleepy Hollow, Vittum Park)
60629, 60632, 60638
North: GMORR and 51st St. to Laramie and then City Limits
East: Belt RR
South: 59th St.
West: Harlem Avenue
Featured Annotation
Brighton Park/Mc Kinley Park Life (Newspaper)
This newspaper ( covers Brighton Park, McKinley Park, Archer Heights, and Garfield Ridge. Student researchers can learn quite a bit about a community from reviewing its newspapers.
McKinley Park
(McKinley Park)
60608, 60609
North: Stevenson Expressway
East: South Fork Chicago River
South: 39th St.
West: Artesian to Archer and then BORR
Featured Annotation
McKinley Park News (newspaper)
This newspaper ( serves McKinley Park alone. Student researchers might do well to compare this newspaper with others that cover more than one Southwest community.
Other Primary Sources of Interest
New City
(Back of the Yards, Canaryville, New City)
North: Pershing Road
East: Shields to 42nd and 43rd and then CWIRR
South: Garfield
West: Penn Central to CRIPRR and the Western to 47th and then Western
Featured Annotation
Union Stock Yards
While there are some questions of access and exploration, students would do well to know the site of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle.
Other Primary Sources of Interest
West Elsdon
(West Elsdon)
60629, 60632
North: Belt RR to Kilbourn and then 53rd to Keeler and then Belt RR
South: 59th St.
West: Belt RR
Featured Annotation
West Elsdon Civic Association
Located at 5330 S. Hamlin, this association also has a Facebook page. Their concerns focus on the community of West Elsdon.
West Englewood
(West Englewood)
North: Garfield Boulevard
East: Racine Ave.
South: Belt RR
West: Penn RR
Featured Annotation
R.A.G.E. - Resident Association of Greater Englewood
The Resident Association of Greater Englewood (RAGE) ( ) is a nonprofit organization that covers both West Englewood and Englewood itself. They do have an active website, but no physical location. Student researchers interested in developments and concerns in Englewood would do well to contact the association itself and learn more about their work. They also have a facebook page.
West Lawn
(Ford City, West Lawn)
North: 59th St.
South: Belt RR to Pulaski and then 77th St.
West: Cicero to Marquette and then Belt RR
Featured Annotation
The Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture
This museum (, located on 6500 S. Pulaski Rd, charges about $8.00 and has limited hours. However, it is a great resource for learning more about Lithuanian culture.